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  • 可能的脸 521播放 HD



    2017年剧情片电影《可能的脸》讲述Giseon works as an administrator at a high school. He begins to nurture an interest in Jinsu, a student on the soccer team. He asks him how his soccer practices are, and whether there are any problems in school. He even visits him at home. Giseon’s ex Hyejin quits her job and gets busy remodeling her mother’s small restaurant. The stories of Giseon and Hyejin run parallel, and they reappear after some time has passed. Giseon has quit working at the school and is writing for a private newsletter. He is writing a story on a delivery driver, Hyeonsu. Characters in the film each live their own times. The director says, “I remember the moments I saw a face. A face filled with a happy smile, a face twisted in anger, a face lifelessly looking around, and a face that is certainly devoid of any emotion.” Possible Faces is not a film tied to the development of a story. It is the story of three characters who are somehow connected, but without a clear cause and effect relationship. (NAM Dong-chul)由Saebyeok,KIM,김새벽,Jonghwan,PARK,박종환,Soojang,PAIK,백수장等主演。

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